Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Matsuri" Festival Food

Summer is a time for many festivals in Japan. One of the best things about every festival is the wide variety of foods! 夏はフェスティバルのための最も良い時間です。
Azabu Juban Matsuri, Tokyo

The streets of Azabu-Juban are lined wall to wall with many yukata clad people hungrily scowling the street-venders for summer delectables!

Working in the food booths is hard and smokey. The shear volume of hungry people and gross inventory over 3-days is staggering!
"Squid tentacles anyone?"

Octopus Dumplings. Small whole octopi are cooked in eggy batter and formed into round, bite-size morsels covered it sauce and eaten with a toohpick.

Fried potato spirals were a big seller this year.The whole spud is sliced and stretched out on a skewer then fried-like a long potato chip....on-a-stick!

You can choose from various dipping flavors: cheesy, spicy, seaweed, or plain sea salt. Miki-chan here chose a "double dip extra CHEEZY"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cooking Club: Turkish Cooking (Part Two)

Turkish Delight ロクム

I would often see confectionery stores displaying colorful rows of these sweets in store markets in Europe and often received them as gifts from friends who had been abroad to Istanbul (as well as the UK) The colors were a bit offsetting but once you bite into the rich jelliness of the candy and the surprising crunch of the nuts then let the awhiff of the rosewater carry you away to Narnia. I can see now how the boy was tempted away by the Icy Queen to betray his family. (I so much wanted to betray someone just to have some more....lokum!)
(トルコ語:lokum)は、砂糖デンプンナッツクルミピスタチオアーモンドヘーゼルナッツココナッツ)を加えて作る、トルコの菓子。マシュリクバルカン半島ギリシャの他、欧米でも知られている。英語ではターキッシュ・ディライト(Turkish delight、「トルコの悦び」)と呼ばれる。作り方は、砂糖をに溶かして火にかけ、コーンスターチなどデンプンを溶き入れ、飴状になったらナッツを混ぜ入れ、デンプンをまぶした型に入れて冷まして固め、冷めたら正方形に切ってデンプンと粉砂糖をまぶす。ゆべしに似ている。ネスレカナダ社が「ビッグ・ターク」(Big Turk)というロクムをチョコレートで包んだスナックバーを製造している他、イギリスオーストラリアではキャドバリー社が同じくロクムをチョコレートで包んだフライズ・ターキッシュ・ディライト(Fry's Turkish Delight)という菓子を製造している。

Turkish Delight

The recipe itself is very simple- however, the timing and having patience are required.

  • Make sure you have two pots. Pot A and Pot B. Pot B should be larger because the two pots will be combined. Stir the sugar into the water and allow to dissolve. Place on heat and bring to a boil- be sure not to let it boil over! Just after topping off reduce the heat and let it simmer for 30 minutes to reach 115 on a candy themometer.
In Pot B combine the cornstarch and water-again dissolve first before placing on heat. Stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Be wary, the mixture will thicken in an instant so keep stirring!

Combine the sugar syrup slowly and break up as many 'icebergs' as possible. Continue simmering and stirring for one hour- unti the cornstarch lumps dissolve.

Cool slightly and add nuts(blanched) and rosewater .Then pour into a 9" pan lined with waxed paper. Let set overnight. I had prepared one the night before. We sliced it and generously coated it with powdered sugar.

材料 80個分【ローズ】グラニュー糖 5カップ水 5カップ半レモン果汁 小さじ2コーンスターチ 1カップ半酒石酸 小さじ1ローズウォーター 大さじ2食紅 少々サラダ油 少々粉砂糖 1カップ厚手の鍋(大、小)23cm四方の型
1.23cm四方の型にラップをしき、サラダ油をぬる。2.砂糖、水2カップ、レモン汁を鍋(小)にいれ、中火にかける。砂糖が完全に溶けて、沸騰するまでかきまぜた ら、火を弱める。ブクブクと泡立つ状態(115度)に なるまで、かきまぜずにとろ火で煮る。3.酒石酸とコーンスターチ1カップと1/4を鍋(大)にいれ、中火にかる。ダマにならないように、残りの水3 カップ半を徐々に加えてゆく。沸騰してもったりとした 糊状になるまで、かきまぜつづける。    4.3に2をくわえ、よくかきまぜたら、火を弱める。こげつかないように、よくかきまぜながら淡い黄金色になるまで約1時間、とろ火で煮る。
5.4にローズウォーターと食紅をくわえ、かきまぜる。用意しておいた型にながし込み、平らにならす。そのままふたをせず、室温でひと晩ねかせる。   6.まな板に、残りのコーンスターチ1/4カップと粉砂糖をふりかける。その上にターキッシュディライトをあけサラダ油をつけた包丁で2.5cm角に切る。7.くっつかないように粉砂糖をよくまぶす。まるい箱に入れ、緑色の絹のリボンをかける。

※以下のフレーバーの場合はローズウォーターと食紅の代わりに以下のものを入れる。【レモン】レモン汁 計大さじ5レモンエッセンス 小さじ2着色料(イエロー)【ミント】ミントリキュール 大さじ2着色料(グリーン) 少々
【オレンジ】オレンジリキュール 大さじ2     着色料(オレンジ) 少々【バニラ&ナッツ】バニラエッセンス 大さじ2ナッツ 1/2カップ※空煎りしたアーモンドもしくはウォールナッツ。きざんでおく。

Cooking Club: Turkish Cooking (Part One)

Falafel ファラフェル
I used to have Falafels almost everyday after school at a small Turkish Restaurant in New Haven, Connecticut- the name of the restaurant eludes me- but my study group would always take up residence at a corner table and munch on falafel after falafel and chase them down with harsh, black Turkish coffees that were as thick as mud and loaded with enough pure caffeine to keep us awake studying til the break of dawn!

The consummate junk food of the Middle East. I would see them being made on almost every street corner in Istanbul and Egypt.
ファラフェルもしくはファラーフェル(アラビア語: فلافل 、ヘブライ語: פלאפל、英語: Falafel)はヒヨコマメまたはソラマメから作ったコロッケのような中東の食べ物。

Cooking Class.
We made whole wheat pita bread from scratch, rolling out the flour dough and allowing it to 'puff up' when baked.

ピタ英語pita, ヘブライ語 pitah פִּתָּה, アラビア語kmaj كماج)、ピタパン(pita bread)は直径20センチくらいの平たく円形のパン地中海沿岸、中東北アフリカで広く見られる食文化。
小麦粉砂糖イーストを加えて、一時間ほど発酵させ、高温のオーブンで一気に焼上げる。中が空洞のポケット状になっているところから、英語ではポケットパン(pocket bread)とも呼ばれ、フムスヒヨコマメのペースト)など様々なソース類をすくって食べたり、中にスブラキケバブファラフェルなど野菜や肉、豆類などの具材を挟みいれたサンドイッチとして食べたりする。

The dried chickpeas (you can also used dried fava beans-but not canned)were soaked overnight and we made them into spicy falafels. Before mixing the ingredients together and using your hands to form balls it's wise to coat your hands with oil first to make it easier to prevent the falafel (tumeric, collander, and cumin)spices from staining your hands. Also, allow the mixture to sit awhile so that the spices can flavor the beans thoroughly.

Deep frying the falafels is a little tricky. Be sure to allow them to heat all the way through to the center or else the chickpeas inside will be tough or doughy. The outside of the falafel should be hard and crispy(the outside layer of chickpeas cooks quickly) Rotate the falafels frequently so they are cooked evenly.

When your falafels are ready- you're ready to eat! Slice the pita breads lengthwise into two half pockets and fill with lettuce, tomato and cucumber slices, then drizzle with Tahini sesame dressing.

Cafe Gecko's Falafel Recipe
1 cup dried chickpeas1/2 large onion, roughly chopped (about 1 cup)2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper4 cloves of garlic1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon tumeric1 teaspoon baking powder4-6 tablespoons flourVegetable oil for frying
Method:1. Put the chickpeas in a large bowl and add enough cold water to cover them by at least 2 inches. Let soak overnight, then drain. Or use canned chickpeas, drained.
2. Place the drained, uncooked chickpeas and the onions in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade.(if there’s no food processor you can use a blender with 2 parts water, strained and retain course puree) Add the parsley, cilantro, salt, hot pepper, garlic, and cumin. Process until blended but not pureed.
3. Sprinkle in the baking powder and 4 tablespoons of the flour, and pulse. You want to add enough bulgur or flour so that the dough forms a small ball and no longer sticks to your hands. Turn into a bowl. Leaving refrigerated for several hours is best for the spices to blend- but they can be cooked right away.
4. Form the chickpea mixture into balls about the size of golf balls.
5. Heat 3 inches of oil to 375 degrees in a deep pot or wok and fry 1 ball to test. If it falls apart, add a little flour. Then fry about 6 balls at once for a few minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Stuff half a pita with falafel balls, chopped tomatoes, onion, green pepper, and pickled turnips. Drizzle with tahini thinned with water.