Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Pie Cooking July 25th

Summer Pie Cooking

Lemon Meringue Pie

Grasshopper Pie
Fruit Tarte

Coffee Granita

Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe


1/2 cup flour 小麦粉
1/4 cup shortening 短縮
1/8 teaspoon salt 塩
2 tablespoons milk ミルク

1-1/4 cups sugar砂糖
5 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt塩
1/2 cup cold water冷水
4 egg yolks卵黄
1/2 cup lemon juice


§ Combine flour, shortening, and salt, and mix until well blended.
§ 小麦粉、ショートニング、塩をよく混ぜる。

§ Form dough into a ball and then flatten.
§ Roll out dough and put into a 9 inch pie plate.
§ パイ皿にしく。
§ Bake at 350°F/ 175 C until crust is golden brown.
§ 175℃に熱したオーブンで焼き色がつくまで焼く。
§ Remove from the oven and set aside.
§ 焼き色がついたら取り出す。
§ Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a sauce pan.
§ 砂糖、コーンスターチ、塩をソースパンに入れて混ぜる。
§ Beat egg yolks and cold water together and add to the mixture in the saucepan; and then add the lemon juice and butter.
§ 卵黄と水を混ぜ、ソースパンに加える。そこへレモンジュースとバターを加える。
§ Bring the mixture to a boil; boil for one minute.
§ Remove from the heat and pour into the baked pie crust.
§ 火からおろし、焼いた生地にながしこむ。
3 egg whites 卵の白人1/4 tsp. cream of tartar酒石英6 tbsp. sugar砂糖1/2 tsp. vanillaバニラ・エッセンス
§ Beat egg whites to a soft peak; and then add the sugar and cream of tartar.
§ 卵白を泡立て、粉砂糖とクリームを加える。
§ Beat until whites form stiff peaks. § さらによく泡立てる。
§ Spread over pie filling and bake at 300F/145C (about 12-15 minutes)
§ until meringue is golden brown.

Grasshopper Pie Recipe
1 1/2 cup crushed chocolate cookie crumbs  チョコレートのクッキー断片5 Tbsp butter, melted  バター3/4 cup hot milk ホットミルク24 large marshmallows1/4 cup creme de menthe liqueur  ミント liquer2 tablespoons white creme de cacaoチョコレート liquer1 cup whipping cream, whippedヘビークリームOptional A drop or two of green food dye.
Method 作り方Preheat oven to 425°F.218C In a bowl, mix crushed chocolate cookies and butter.
Pat into bottom and sides of 10 inch pie dish.
バットに混ぜたものを均等に流し込む。 Oreo choclate cookies work the best but they are so hard to come by in Quantity in Japan/ ANNA chocolate thin mint cookies worked well- but you have to crush them very well.
Bake in oven for 5 to 10 minutes; remove from oven and cool completely.
Once cooled, place in freezer to chill.
2 In saucepan, melt marshmallows in milk over medium heat.
Remove from heat and cool.
Add creme de menthe and creme de cacao, and mix well.
Add a drop or two of green food dye if desired.
Fold in whipped cream. Pour into chilled pie shell. Freeze for 3 or 4 hours.

Coffee Granita
Yield: Makes 8 servings
4 cups freshly brewed strong coffee (made from 6 cups water and 2 1/2 cups ground French roast coffee or I used Starbucks Oceanside Blend)1 cup sugar1 tablespoon grated orange peel1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 tablespoon pernod or other anise-flavored liqueur

Stir first 4 ingredients in bowl until sugar dissolves. Pour into 13x9x2-inch metal pan. Chill 2 hours; mix in pernod.
Freeze coffee mixture until icy at edge of pan, about 45 minutes. Whisk to distribute frozen portions evenly. Freeze again until icy at edge of pan and overall texture is slushy, about 45 minutes. Whisk to distribute frozen portions evenly. Then freeze until solid, about 3 hours. Using fork, scrape granita down length of pan, forming icy flakes. Freeze at least 1 hour. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover; keep frozen.Presentation
Orange peel strips or chocolate-covered coffee beans
Working quickly, scoop granita into glasses, filling halfway. Fill to top with cream. Garnish with peel or coffee beans.

Thank you everyone!

I hope you had a good time and keep cool this summer!

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