Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cooking Club: Spring Fruit Tarts

Spring Fruit Tarts
Baked Custard ベークド カスタード
Preheat oven 300 F/149C
2 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 tsp salt
4 egg yolks 卵黄
1.2 tsp vanilla extract/1” vanilla bean

Separate egg whites. Mix egg yolks, sugar, salt in a bowl. Add milk and stir well.
Place in a baking dish. Bake for 1 hour or until firm. Allow to cool completely and fill pastry tube.

Fruit Tart Pastry Shell. 15cm/9inch round removable bottomの丸型1台分<パート・ブリゼ>(Pastry Shell)(15cmの丸型2台分)15cm Pie Tin小麦粉(All Purpose Flour) 250g/1 cup
2 Tbs sugar 砂糖 大さじ1Salt 1/2 tsp 5g 塩 小さじ1/2
Butter 150g1/2 cup(6 Tbs) バター 大さじ6Egg 卵1個
1.2 tsp vanilla extract バニラエッセンス 小さじ1/2Lemon water 1 TBS レモン水 大さじ1
In a medium bowl combine flour, sugar, salt. Cut in softened butter and work with your hand until granulated(sandy texture) ボウルに小麦粉、砂糖、塩、小さくきったバターを入れて、指先でサラサラになるまで擂り混ぜる。(又はフードプロセッサーに入れて攪拌させる)
Make a well in the center and add egg yolk, vanilla and lemon water. Stir with your fingers until it forms a ball. Knead slightly until the dough no longer sticks to your fingers.全卵と水を合わせて1に加え、生地がまとまるくらいに合わせ混ぜる、(捏ねないこと)
Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.ひとまとめにした生地をラップに包み冷蔵庫で1~2時間くらい休ませる。
Roll out to 1/8inch thickness using plastic wrap to keep its shape. 生地の半分の量を打ち粉をした台の上で軽く捏ね、麺棒で伸ばし型に敷く(厚さは3~4mm程度)。Line the pie shell with the rolled dough. Prick the dough with holes and weight down with beans/pie weights.
Bake at 400F/ for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Unmold and cool on a rack. 冷蔵庫に入れて10分くらい休ませる。
<クレーム・ダマンド>Fruit Filling(15cmの丸型1台分)卵黄 3 eggs yolks
小麦粉(All Purpose Flour) 2 Tbs
アーモンド・パウダー1 TBS
グラニュー糖Granulated sugar 1 cup
バター Melted Butter 1/3 cup
Prepare a 15cm/9inch unbaked pie crust. Melt butter室温で柔らかくなったバターに粉砂糖を入れて白っぽくなるまで混ぜる。
Combine egg yolks, flour, almond powder, sugar in a bowl. Add melted butter and blend well. 1に溶き卵を少しずつ加えて、さらに混ぜる。
Place canned fruit halves(cut side down) on pastry shell and pour mixture over.とふるった小麦粉を加えて粉気がなくなるまで混ぜ合わせる。
Bake for 15 minutes at 400F/204C Reduce heat to 300F/149C and bake an additional 50 minutes.

Spring Fruit Tarts

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cooking Club:Bagels and Lox (Part 2)

BAGELS and LOX [ベーグルとスモークサモン」 Part Two

The fresher the fish the better!

There is a fishing area near Odawara called Forrest Springs which stocks various kinds of trout, including brooke(iwana), grayling(yamome), silver, and the prized Steelhead!!(Large Western Rainbow trout that are on their way to becoming salmon. Their pinkish meat is sweet and flakey and versitle when cooking) I traveled by train(an hour and a half outside of Tokyo) to lure fish for some steelhead. In only two hours I caught several species of trout including this this 2.5 footer pictured here on a spinning spoon and then quickly brought them back to my kitchen to start preparing for Gravis Lox.

Gravlax (pronounced "grov-lox") is from the Swedish name for this dish. Norwegians call it gravlaks and the Danish refer to it as Gravad laks. It literally means "buried salmon" and the name refers to the traditional method of preparation for this food: fresh salmon was heavy salted and buried in dry sand to ferment and cure.
When is bagel not a bagel? When it is NOT topped high with cream cheese and lox! Of course!Now that we had the fresh bagels all prepared I instructed the class on how to salt cure a salmon, or in this case, the steelheads that I had cleaned and deep-frozen the day before.(Freezing to -10F/23C wards off any unwanted parasites that are common in freshwater fish)

We prepared the rock salt, sugar, and fresh dillweed mixture and generously coated the fillets. After wrapping them we placed another plate on top to weigh down the fish to allow the juices to seep from the fish and make the fish fillets firmer.

After several hours the fillets were ready for slicing(I prepared a salmon beforehand) Slicing thin down to the tail was quite a task for many of the students. "Chunky-style" lox was a popular description.

But all the hard work in the kitchen was worth it as they enjoyed their home-made bagels and lox. Thank you all!

Gravlax (Salt cured Salmon)
1 lb. (450 g) frozen salmon filet
thaw completely & remove bones
cover salmon
cover salmon
double wrap in plastic wrap
refrigerate at least 48 hours
rinse and dry
slice on bias
2 Tbs. (~30 g) kosher salt
2 Tbs. (25 g) granulated sugar
2 tsp. (4.2 g) ground black pepper
20 sprigs fresh dill weed
Lay a LARGE sheet of plastic wrap over the dish.
Mix Rub ingredients in a small bowl-- if using fresh dill, chop it up and rub it on the fish first.
Lay fish, skin side down, on the lined dish, evenly spread rub over fish, with more in the thicker areas of the fillet.
Wrap plastic over the fish.
Place second dish on top, place weight on top of second dish.
Refrigerate for 48-72 hrs.
Check every 12 hrs or so to see if dish needs to be drained.
(some fish oil will seep out of the package).
Remove fish from package, scrape off remaining rub, cut into very thin slices across the bias, stopping at the skin.
Serve with bagels, horseradish cream dressing, capers, more dill, greens, vinagerette, honey mustard, bread rounds, etc.

Cooking Club:Bagels and Lox (Part 1)

With Passover soon approaching I decided to have a bagel cooking class.
PASSOVER 「過ぎ越しの祝」=ユダヤの祝=yudaya no oiwa           Celebration of the Exodus
仮庵の祭 Sukkoth などと並ぶ祭。初日と末日の間の平日は仮庵の祭と同じくホール・ハン=モーエード Chol hamoed という。(ユダヤ教関連用語一覧#ホを参照)
聖書出エジプト記 12章に記述されている、古代エジプトでアビブ(ニサン)の月に起こったとされる出来事と、それに起源を持つとするユダヤ教の行事のことである。本項で詳述。
Every year, on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan, Jews worldwide commemorate the birth of the Jewish nation by celebrating Passover. After 410 years of slavery in Egypt, Moses told Pharaoh that he must "Let My People Go." Each time Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites, God brought another plague upon the Egyptians. The tenth and final plague was the death of firstborn children. In executing this plague, God passed through the land of Egypt, but "passed over" Jewish homes. Thus, the holiday is called Passover. The Israelites were then released from bondage. But the Israelites only truly became free when, 50 days after the Exodus, they accepted the Torah from God at Mount Sinai. Thus, the Jewish nation was born. Every Passover, we are commanded to tell the Passover story

When I was a child growing up in California there was a terrific Bagel Shop near my high school. We would make a trip out to the store every chance we had. Bagels usual came frozen in bags of six from the supermarket. You could defrost them and slice them in a bagel cutter
But the joy of walking into that bagel shop with it's large trays stuffed with freshly baked bagels...sesame, onion, poppy seed or plain, and choosing my favorite bagel dog- there was nothing else like it! I would start eating the bagel dog as soon as it crossed over the counter!

History of the Bagel
A sbitenshchik (left) selling bubliks and baranki (19th century)
Contrary to legend, the bagel was not created in the shape of a stirrup to commemorate the victory of Poland’s King Jan Sobieski over the
Ottoman Turks in 1683. It was invented much earlier in Krakow, Poland, as a competitor to the obwarzanek, a lean bread of wheat flour designed for Lent. In the 16th and first half of the 17th centuries, the bajgiel became a staple of the Polish national diet.[5]
There was a tradition among many observant Jewish families to make bagels on Saturday evenings at the conclusion of the Sabbath. Due to Jewish Sabbath restrictions, they were not permitted to cook during the period of the Sabbath and, compared with other types of bread, bagels could be baked very quickly as soon as it ended.

New-York Style Bagels Recipe ニューヨークスタイル ベーグル
Makes 12 normal/measure for 6-8 large bagels
1 Tbs sugar  砂糖 大さじ1
1cup scalded milk, warm (115F/46C) Milk 46C 1カップ
1/4 cup butter
1 Tbs active dry yeast  ドライイースト 大さじ1
3-3/4cups bread flour (not all purpose) 強力粉 3-3/4カップ
1 Tbs salt 塩 大さじ1
1 Med egg, たまご1個
(Egg wash)
1 Tbs Sugar
Dry sesame seeds, poppy seeds

In a small pot combine butter, sugar and milk over low heat. When the mixture reaches 115F/46C add and dissolve yeast. Let stand for 4 minutes, then stir in flour and salt and egg. Mix dough thoroughly until it comes together in a large ball, pulling away from the sides of the bowl. Add an additional tablespoon of flour, if needed.
Knead by hand, turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until very smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Place dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.
Bring a large pot of water to a gentle boil (212F/100C)at least 10 cups/2 quarts of water. Add 1 Tbs sugar to the water.
Preheat the oven to 400F/190C.
When dough has risen, turn the dough out onto a very lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces (first quarters, then thirds).
生地がふくらんだら、小麦粉をまぶした台に12等分する。 Once the dough balls have rested, the bagel shape can be formed. Using your fingers, poke a hole through the center of each dough ball. (This method is better than rolling out a snake. It will come apart when boiling.) Stretch out the dough into a ring with your fingers and be sure to make the hole a little larger than you want the finished bagel to have, as it will shrink slightly while the bagel is expanding during the baking process. Let bagels rest for about 10 minutes.
Working four at a time, drop the bagels carefully into the boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes on the first side,(let the bagels rise to the surface) then flip and boil for an additional 2 minutes.( Using a slotted spoon or strainer, transfer bagels to a clean towel to drain for a moment, then place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat process with remaining bagels.
Brush boiled bagels with lightly beaten egg wash.(Optional: top with white sesame seeds or black poppy seeds) and bake for 20-24 minutes, until golden brown.Cool completely on a wire rack.

The best filling for the Bagels were cream cheese and olives or onions. Gravis Lox is covered in the next blog.