Friday, March 20, 2009

Cooking Club:Greek Cooking


I finally managed to find Phyllo dough at the National Azabu Supermarket and decided to make Greek food.
Phyllo dough is extremely thin pie sheets which are made by a machine and sold frozen in many store in America. Unfortunately, it's a hard item to find in Japan.
It's easy to use for Spinach Pie or Baklava. I thought my Cooking Club students would find it interesting to work with. It's like pie sheets but there is no butter in the dough.
Each Phyllo layer is rolled out and sprayed with oily water. The layers are then laid out in a baking pan alternating with fillings: spinach and cheese...

...or (in this case) we used chopped walnuts, cinnamon, and cloves then dredged it with a hot thick honey syrup to make (Baklava)

Recipes: Bakalava バカラバ
· 1 pound of large (14 x 18 inch) phyllo sheets (20 - 22 sheets)
· フィロシート(パイ生地)20-22シート 454g
· 4 cups of chopped walnuts
· くるみ4カップ(きざむ)
· 4 cups of chopped unsalted blanched almonds
· 皮なしアーモンド4カップ(きざむ)
· 1/2 cup of sugar
· 砂糖1/2カップ
· 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
· シナモン大さじ1
· 1 tablespoon of ground cloves
· クローブ大さじ1
· 1/2 to 3/4 cup of olive oil
· オリーブオイル1/2~3/4カップ
· 4-5 tablespoons of bottled soda water
· 炭酸入りミネラルウォーター 大さじ4-5
· Honey syrup:
· シロップ:
· 1/2 cup of sugar
· 砂糖1/2カップ
· 1 cup of honey
· はちみつ1カップ
· 3/4 cup of water
· 水3/4カップ
· juice of 1 lemon (about 2 tablespoons)
· レモンジュース大さじ2
· 1 stick of cinnamon
· シナモンスティック1本

Defrost phyllo dough according to package directions. In a large bowl, combine the walnuts and almonds with the sugar, cinnamon, and cloves. Mix will with hands or a large whisk until thoroughly blended.

Preheat oven to 350-355°F (180°C). Oil the bottom and sides of a 17 X 13 inch (or equivalent) rectangular baking pan.
Place a sheet of phyllo in the pan and brush with a little oil (or butter).
Allow any overlap to hang out the sides. Repeat until there are 4 sheets on the bottom. Spoon one third of the nut mixture evenly over the pastry. Add two more sheets of pastry, brushed with oil (or butter). Spoon a little of the nut mixture over the pastry and repeat until all but 4 sheets of phyllo remain. Top the pastry with 4 sheets, each brushed with oil (or butter), except the top sheet. Tuck any overlapping phyllo dough under itself, on top of the filling.
Cut into diamonds. Sprinkle just the top of the pastry with 4-5 tablespoons of soda water. Bake on the rack just below the middle of the oven 350-355°F (180°C) until golden (about 45 minutes).
· Bring the syrup ingredients to a boil.
· シロップをパンに入れ、火にかける
· Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then remove cinnamon.
· 沸騰したら弱火にし、10分おく。シナモンスティックを取り除く。
· Pour the hot syrup carefully and evenly over the hot baklava as soon as it comes out of the oven, making sure to cover the sides and corners.
· 45分後、オーブンから出し、シロップを上にかける。
Allow the baklava to cool thoroughly and absorb the syrup before serving Yield: 60 small pieces

Prep Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes 約2時間30分
· 8-10 medium eggplants (about 5-6 pounds)
· なす8-10本
· sea salt
· 塩
· olive oil
· オリーブオイル
· 4 medium onions, chopped
· たまねぎ4個(みじん切り)
· 2 1/2 pounds of ground beef (or lamb)
· ひき肉1kg
· 3 cups of chopped ripe tomatoes with juice
· トマト3カップ(カットしたもの)
· 3 cloves of garlic, minced
· にんにく3かけ
· 6-8 ground cloves
· クローブ小さじ6-8
· 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
· シナモン小さじ1/2
· 1/8 teaspoon of ground allspice
· オールスパイス小さじ1/8
· 2 bay leaves
· ローリエ2枚
· 1 cup of grated parmigiano reggiano
· パルメザンチーズ1カップ
· 1 cup of breadcrumbs
· パン粉1カップ
· 1/2 cup of dry red wine
· 赤ワイン1/2カップ
· 3 tablespoons of tomato paste
· トマトペースト大さじ3
· freshly ground pepper
· あらびき黒こしょう
· béchamel with cheese* or 6 cups of basic béchamel**
· ホワイトソース6カップ
Wash eggplants and trim off stems. Cut off 1/2-inch wide strips of the skin lengthwise, leaving about an inch in between, all around the eggplant, then cut eggplant lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices. Put slices in a large bowl or on a tray, sprinkle liberally with salt and let them sit for 30 minutes. Rinse well, drain, and pat dry. Brush slices lightly on both sides with olive oil and run them under the broiler on an ungreased cookie sheet until lightly browned and soft. Remove and set aside to cool.

Preheat the frying pan or skillet over low heat. When the pan is hot, add 2 tablespoons of oil and increase the heat to medium low. Sauté the onions with a wooden spoon, until onions are translucent. Add the meat and continue to sauté until lightly browned. Add tomatoes, 1/2 the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, allspice, wine, and tomato paste, and mix well. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until all the liquid has been absorbed, about 45 minutes to an hour.
When dry, remove the cloves, bay leaves, and cinnamon stick (if used), and set sauce aside uncovered until ready to use.

Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).
Lightly oil a baking or roasting pan and sprinkle the bottom with the remaining 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs. Place a layer of eggplant slices on the breadcrumbs (it's ok to overlap) and spread the meat mixture evenly on top. Cover with the remaining eggplant slices, and carefully pour the béchamel sauce evenly over the top.
Bake at 350°F (180°C) for 30 minutes, then sprinkle the cheese over the top, and continue to cook for another 15 to 30 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove the moussaka from the oven and allow to cool for 20-30 minutes. Moussaka is traditionally eaten warm, not hot, and can also be eaten at room temperature. Like many Greek dishes, this is even better the next day

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