Thursday, October 2, 2008


Bangkok, Ko Samui island
The Thai people are so gentle and calm.(even Ronald McDonald got into the act by calmly clasping his hands together to greet patrons with a ever so calm "Sawadii ka!".....and the atmosphere is so calm in Thailand....and the beaches are so calm....why then is Thai food so WILDLY SPICY!???
Just a few pictures from the trip タイからいくつかの絵をあなたに見せさせてください。

In one of the Food Courts I found a drink stand. 飲み物は緑色であり過ぎました。They were literally mowing the grass and then blending it into a green drink that many people washed down with some apple juice. It was like wheatgrass juice back in California, but I had never seen it served in this manner. Of course I tried it. I asked the nice clerk for a green lantern special and she squeezed out a glass for me. It reminded me of the Football fields back in school just after being cut. I pinched my nose and downed the glass in a gulp....then it came back up my throat....too green! too green! red flags were flashing in my eyes as I tried to force it back down my throat....too green too GREEN!! Nasty! I know what it's like to deep kiss a cow now......I found my salvation with the desserts on the humid summer days and a Starbucks brought me back to reality.
We ate at a very good seafood restaurant in Bangkok that had a live fish tank. They had the biggest Mantis Shrimpシャコ類I had ever seen! They were as big as my hand. The waiter said they could be served grilled or in a red chili sauce. I couldn't order them though because the mere size of them scared me!

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