Before starting anything we all had to learn...
How To Schuck Oysters
Using a thick kitchen towel, grip the oyster, flat side up, and force the tip of an oyster knife,(or in this case we used cheap metal butter knives)
which has an inflexible, pointed blade, between the shells just next to the hinge. Pry, twisting the knife, while at the same time trying to push the blade into the oyster, breaking the hinge. Run the blade along the inside of the upper shell to free the oyster, removing the top shell. Then scrape along the lower shell and remove the oyster if you´re serving it on the half shell, pick out any loose fragments of the shell, being careful not to spill the oyster´s delicious liquid. You can wash off the small broken particles of the shell with salted water. Keep the oyster happy. It looked harder than it was but everyone gave it a try! Each of us had one fresh raw oyster sprinkled with some fresh lemon juice and tabasco. It tasted great! But we saved the rest of the shelled oyster for the next dish!
オイスター・ロックフェラー(Oysters Rockefeller) Oysters Rockefeller is a famous oyster dish served at many restaurants throughout the United States. The dish consists of oysters on the half-shell that have been topped with various other ingredients (often spinach or parsley, cheese, a rich butter sauce and bread crumbs) and are then baked or broiled.
Combine all ingredients and whisk until smooth. Adjust seasoning with additional soy sauce as desired.
1 garlic clove にんにく1かけ
2 cups loosely packed fresh spinach ほうれんそう2カップ
1 bunch watercress
1/2 cup chopped green onions みじんぎりしたたまねぎ1/2カップ
3/4 cup (11/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 無塩バター3/4カップ(室温に戻す)
1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs パン粉1/2カップ
2 tablespoons Pernod or other anise-flavored liqueur Pernodリキュール 大さじ2
1 teaspoon fennel seeds, ground フェンネル 小さじ1
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce ホットペッパーソース 小さじ1
1 pound (about) rock salt 塩 1ポンド(454g)
24 fresh oysters, shucked, shells reserved 生ガキ24個 殻はとっておく。
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese パルメザンチーズ1/4カップ
Position rack in top third of oven and preheat to 450°F. Finely chop garlic in processor. Add spinach, watercress and green onions to garlic. Process, using on/off turns, until mixture is finely chopped. Transfer mixture to medium bowl.
Combine butter, breadcrumbs, Pernod, fennel and hot sauce in processor. Process until well blended. Return spinach mixture to processor. Process, using on/off turns, just until mixtures are blended. Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle rock salt over large baking sheet to depth of 1/2 inch. Arrange oysters in half shells atop rock salt. Top each oyster with 1 tablespoon spinach mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake until spinach mixture browns on top, about 8 minutes.
Put flour, beaten eggs, and panko in separate plates. Coat oysters with flour, eggs, then panko. Fry the oysters in oil 350F /170 C until turn brown. Place thinly julienned cabbage on a plate and serve fried oysters on the side. We made fresh Tartar Sauce to go with the Fried Oysters, or Worchester Sauce, and I also recommend this ...
1 garlic clove にんにく1かけ
2 cups loosely packed fresh spinach ほうれんそう2カップ
1 bunch watercress
1/2 cup chopped green onions みじんぎりしたたまねぎ1/2カップ
3/4 cup (11/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 無塩バター3/4カップ(室温に戻す)
1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs パン粉1/2カップ
2 tablespoons Pernod or other anise-flavored liqueur Pernodリキュール 大さじ2
1 teaspoon fennel seeds, ground フェンネル 小さじ1
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce ホットペッパーソース 小さじ1
1 pound (about) rock salt 塩 1ポンド(454g)
24 fresh oysters, shucked, shells reserved 生ガキ24個 殻はとっておく。
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese パルメザンチーズ1/4カップ
Position rack in top third of oven and preheat to 450°F. Finely chop garlic in processor. Add spinach, watercress and green onions to garlic. Process, using on/off turns, until mixture is finely chopped. Transfer mixture to medium bowl.
Combine butter, breadcrumbs, Pernod, fennel and hot sauce in processor. Process until well blended. Return spinach mixture to processor. Process, using on/off turns, just until mixtures are blended. Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle rock salt over large baking sheet to depth of 1/2 inch. Arrange oysters in half shells atop rock salt. Top each oyster with 1 tablespoon spinach mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake until spinach mixture browns on top, about 8 minutes.
Put flour, beaten eggs, and panko in separate plates. Coat oysters with flour, eggs, then panko. Fry the oysters in oil 350F /170 C until turn brown. Place thinly julienned cabbage on a plate and serve fried oysters on the side. We made fresh Tartar Sauce to go with the Fried Oysters, or Worchester Sauce, and I also recommend this ...
Spicy Wasabi Cream Sauce スパイシーわさびクリーム
2 Tablespoons powdered wasabi 粉わさび 大さじ21 Tablespoon water 水 大さじ11 Tablespoon soy sauce しょうゆ 大さじ13 Tablespoons heavy cream 生クリーム 大さじ31 Tablespoon sour cream サワークリーム 大さじ1