Roast Turkey
We all came together to have a traditional Roast Turkey and fixings dinner. When I was growing up the best part of Thanksgiving was the time spent sitting around the table and sharing a finely roasted turkey and feasting on all the goodies...second helpings...third helpings...until I became a stuffed turkey myself!
Turkey is not a common dish in Japan and most of the cooked turkey you may happen to find in the supermarkets is processed, turkey-ish bologna slices.
Frozen turkeys can be found in speciality import shops, like Cost Co., or Kinokuniya.(I got these birds from the US Base in Yokosuka) but the bigger problem is finding an oven that will house the bird while roasting. Most families homes in Japan don't have adequate sized ovens. So, the cooking room we rented had 4 large gas heated ovens.
The used the follow recipes:
Roasted Turkey
Preheat oven 450F/232C
オーブンを 232℃に温めておく
Wash and rinse Fresh Turkey thoroughly. Remove the neck and giblets and boil in 4 cups of seasoned water for 1 hour. Reserve stock to add to the stuffing later.
Rub the outer skin of the turkey with tarragon butter and under the skin of the breast bone. Stuff the turkey with plenty of stuffing and secure the legs with string.
Place turkey on a wire rack above a large over pan
Roast turkey according to weight. Baste every 30 minutes. Test Turkey temperature.
Sausage Dressing/Stuffing (makes 5 cups)
ソーセージドレッシング/詰め物 (5カップ分)
1 cup sausage meat, chopped. Drain off surplus fat.
ソーセージ 1カップ
2 tbs. butter
バター 大さじ2
1/2 cup yellow onion, chopped
みじん切りした玉ねぎ 1/2カップ
1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
みじん切りしたパセリ 1/4カップ
1/2 cup chopped celery (optional)
みじん切りしたパセリ 1/2カップ(オプションで)
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
スライスしたマッシュルーム 1カップ
1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp ground b pepper
塩 小さじ1 コショウ 小さじ1/2
1/2 tsp paprika
パプリカ 小さじ1/2 1 tsp fresh tarragon, minced
みじん切りしたタラゴン 小さじ1
A pinch of nutmeg and all-spice
ナツメッグ・オールスパイス 少々 1 cup walnuts, chopped
みじん切りしたくるみ 1カップ
1/2 cup green apple, chopped カットしたりんご 1/2カップ
Heat and stir in a skillet until brown
Mix warm ingredients in a large bowl with:
Prepare dressing for turkey. Remaining stuffing can be
wrapped in foil and warmed in an oven.
4 cups diced, stale bread cubes.
1/2 to 1 cup Turkey stock. 食パンをサイコロ状にカットしたもの4カップをボウルに入れ、フライパンでいためた材料を加え、そこにターキーの肉汁 1/2カップを加えてまぜる
We all sat down after a long day of waiting and asking 'is it ready yet?' Oops! I almost forgot the most important thing- make sure you makes lots of extra gravy because it runs out quickly!
Turkey Gravy
2 tbs Turkey drippings, strained
ターキーを焼いた際の肉汁 大さじ2
2 tbs butter
バター 大さじ2
4 tbs flour
小麦粉 大さじ4
Salt and black pepper
1/4 cup dry Sherry
シェリー酒 1/4カップ
1/2 tbs soy sauce
しょうゆ 1/2カップ
1 to 1-1/2 Cups Turkey Stock
ターキーのダシ 1-1/2カップ
Heat drippings and butter in a flat pan.
Add sherry and burn off alcohol.
Stir in flour to dripping with wire whisk to form a paste.
On low heat, gradually add Turkey stock stirring constantly.
Cook slowly over low heat until thickens.
Add Soy Sauce and S/P to taste.