Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tokyo Taste 東京食糧サミット

Tokyo Taste 2009
Food Summit 東京食糧サミットYurakucho Forum , Tokyo
Many renowned chefs were invited to demonstrate new
cooking techniques at the first of it's kind 'food summit.'

Many of the chefs performed demonstration before a live television audience.シェフの多くがテレビでデモンストレーションを与えました。

There were also some close-up and hands-on demonstrations all around the building. As well as many tastings and free food samples. また、クローズアップデモンストレーションと試食がありました。

come to think of it....I don't rightly remember where I went to after hitting the Wine Tasting booth....there was such a wide selection and various tasting promoters- it's all a big blur! 私は、次にブドウ酒試飲の仕事ブースをどこまで追いかけたかを覚えていません。
Can't wait for next years Summit! 私は次の何年ものサミットにおいてfowardに見えています。